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Recomandări cu privire la fertilizările standardizate IFAS pentru culturile de legume

Această publicație prezintă în formă prescurtată recomandările de fertilizare pentru culturile de legume pe baza testelor de sol efectuate de laboratorul de testare a solului extins IFAS (ESTL).

Controlled release nutrition for oil palm

Multicote™ Agri controlled release fertilizers - The ideal nutrition for oil palm seedlings at the nursery and for oil palm planting  The most efficient nutrition

"The best products for the best quality"

Once he started to use Haifa fertilizers for his gardening plants, Janwillem Bakhuyzen from the Netherlands has never been more pleased with the quality of his plants  

Multicote Technology

Multicote™ products are based on polymer-coated fertilizer granules. During the production process, water-soluble nutrients are encapsulated in a polymeric shell.This shell prevents the immediate dissolution of the fertilizer when applied to the soil.The thickness of the shell determines the longevity of

The benefits of Multicote controlled release fertilizer for seedlings | February 2012

Australia's largest integrated hardwood and softwood forest products company, Gunns Limited, discovered the many benefits of Haifa's Multicote. "It was releasing at the right time for our conditions"

IFAS Standardized Fertilization Recommendations for Vegetable Crops | George J. Hochmuth and Edward A. Hanlon

This publication presents in abbreviated form the fertilization recommendations for vegetable crops based on soil tests performed by the IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory (ESTL). It contains the basic information from which ESTL soil-test reports and fertilization recommendations are generated.

IFAS Standardized Fertilization Recommendations for Vegetable Crops

This publication presents in abbreviated form the fertilization recommendations for vegetable crops based on soil tests performed by the IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory (ESTL). It contains the basic information from which ESTL soil-test reports and fertilization recommendations are generated.

Multicote™ Turf / Multigreen™

Controlled release fertilizer
Multicote Turf Mini 24-0-24 (85-0-50% coated)

Particle size

  • 90% between 0.7-2 mm.


  • Multicote Turf is programmed to release nutrients over 4 months at soil temperature of 21oC. The release rate depends on soil temperature.


  • 25kg polyethylene bag.
  • 1000kg bag.


  • Fertilizer for turf – golf courses, sports fields, public and domestic lawns.
Total Nitrogen (N) 24%
Nitrate-nitrogen (N-NO3) 7.1%
Urea nitrogen (N-NH2) 16.9%
Soluble potash (K2O) 24%

Derived from: Potassium nitrate and Urea.

Find out more about Turf Fertlizer

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