Λίπανση ζαχαρότευτλων στη Ρωσία

Το Haifa's Poly  στο ζαχαρότευτλο ενίσχυσε την ανάπτυξη των φυτών και οδήγησε σε υψηλότερη απόδοση ρίζας




Sugar-beet / RMS-73

Country / location

Russia, SPK “Rassvet”, Gorshechenskij region, Kursk area TSCHR. / Summer 2005

Objectives Increase total yield and sugar yield
Haifa product tested Poly-sugar-beet (15-7-30 + 2MgO + Trace Elements)
Application method Foliar nutrition
Tested treatment Sugar-beet / RMS-73 Two foliar sprays of 5 kg/ha, each: 1st at 2-3 pair of leaves; 2nd in mid June.
Control treatment results 4.91  mt/ha
Best treatment results 6.16  mt/ha
Conclusions Poly sugar-beet enhanced the vegetative development of the plants and resulted in higher root yield, higher sugar percentage, and consequently, higher sugar yield. The treatment also considerably reduced the incidence of leaf diseases Cercospora and Peronospora
Reference  Dr. A. Zarishnyak & Mr. N.V. Roik– Ukrainian Academy of  Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Sugarbeet