Farmers in Russia

Part of my job as a water-soluble development agronomist is to get to know farmers around the world In order to understand their needs and what Haifa solution work for them best. Observing different farming practices, watching them in their daily routines and how they adapt to different growing conditions is always exciting.

In this visit to Russia together with Mr. Anton Kuprianov, Haifa CIS Marketing & Sales Manager, we traveled to Astrakhan area and black soil regions near Volgograd and Voronezh.

Astrakhan region is known for its good climate condition and fertile soil that can support many agriculture crops – from small famers that grow vegetables in greenhouses the thousand hectares open field vegetable growers

In our first stop in Astrakhan region, we visited small greenhouse farmers that are using modern drip irrigation systems that allows the to use Haifa's plant nutrition solutions

The next stop was a visit the a producer of tomato concrete which is the largest grower of processing tomatoes in Russia, growing  4500ha of tomatoes and is planning to triple his growing area in the future.





We met with the agronomists that are in charge of growing the tomatoes from seed to harvest. Hearing them out and understanding their current situation, helped me see the whole picture and afterwards, discussing which recommendation plan is best to achieve their inspiring goals.

I've made a presentation about Haifa's plant nutrition solutions for vegetables focusing on tomatoes and explaining all about Haifa's approach for precise fertilization using Haifa products  I emphasized products that are available in Russia. Multi-K™, Haifa’s flagship potassium nitrate brand, which is designed for optimal plant nutrition, Haifa MKPTM and the Haifa PolyfeedTM  GG range  Water soluble NPK fertilizer for nutrigation and foliar spray.



Poly-Feed™ GG is a range of rich, balanced fertilizers for soil and soilless greenhouse crops,. All the formulae are enriched with high concentrations of micronutrients. Poly-Feed™ GG is easily identified by the red color of both the bag and the product.


In Volgograd area we visited Botanica, which is a High Tech Greenhouse complex with 60Ha of cucumbers and tomatoes. A state of the art modern greenhouse with modern equipment full climent control growing and packing outstanding volume. We met the leading agronomy team and were taken to a tour of the complex. This sector of greenhouses ss growing rapidly in Russia - Haifa's WS fertilizers line is the leading brand used in this segment of Greenhouses.
