Analysis of plant sap as help to fertilization

The analysis of plant sap is little or nothing in common when it comes to making decisions on the balance of subscriber crops, due to ignorance than he has. However, it is imperative to evaluate the absorption of nutrients by the plant. The knowledge of this helps to correct the balance dripper, checking nutrient concentrations and their relationships to each other in the environment of the leaf, avoiding excesses or deficiencies in the composition of the plant.

The analysis of plant sap is little or nothing in common when it comes to making decisions on the balance of subscriber crops, due to ignorance than he has. However, it is imperative to evaluate the absorption of nutrients by the plant. The knowledge of this helps to correct the balance dripper, checking nutrient concentrations and their relationships to each other in the environment of the leaf, avoiding excesses or deficiencies in the composition of the plant.

The idea is to understand the benefit of this tool to adjust the supply of nutrients to the plant needs in the different stages of crop and anticipate possible deficiencies or excesses of the different elements.

The objectives that we try to get with the use of this tool are to obtain information in the plant uptake, after you have applied the balance has been found suitable for the stage of the crop to which it refers, and have interacted each other in the soil or culture substrate.

Once these results known, starting readjust the balance in the case of not finding a good fit on the leaf of the plant, increasing or decreasing the supply of those nutrients are subject to modification, to achieve the necessary stability in the plant.

The analytical results obtained from plant sap heavily dependent on factors that influence the absorption of minerals, such as the composition and quality of the soil or substrate, the balance between different minerals in this medium, the time of implementation, given its growth stage and availability of plants to absorb minerals. Also important is the quality of the root, because it depends largely absorption rate and choosing absorb minerals. Soil life that facilitate the creation of substances that help the absorption. The irrigation water quality limit or facilitate the entry of certain nutrients. Sodium is an element assimilable by the plant, which interferes us in making others who have vital importance in plant metabolism. Finally, the impact absorption has climate, temperature, light, etc.
It is the factor that can least control in crops without climate control, and it if possible, more important than the rest.
There are many factors that influence the absorption of minerals such as to obviate the use of analysis of plant sap as a help tool to adjust the supply of nutrients to the real needs of the plant.
With irrigation and soil analysis, the information obtained is always what we want to provide and what we have in solution to be absorbed by the plant. However, an analysis of plant sap will provide information in any other way we could know, as it is, the absorption real time nutrients, which are not always taken keeping the relationship on the soil, due to various factors affecting that absorb a greater amount than others and that we mentioned above.
Also, as we get information nutrient concentrations in real time, we can anticipate possible deficiencies and / or excesses before symptoms appear and can correct without the plant suffer the stress for that imbalance. It also allows us to see the real balance of different elements on the inside of the plant. By measuring the brix degrees and know the concentrations of certain mineral elements, we can know the metabolic activity of the plant.
And finally, with the results obtained you can make an assessment of post-harvest life of the fruits that at that moment are for harvesting, so this can be a tool for marketers to evaluate the place of sale of the product. Therefore, it may be important to determine if the fruits of certain greenhouses are useful for desired by the marketing requirements, which could ensure quality buying, before being harvested, cancelling the harvesting if the parameters obtained are not desired, giving an assurance to customers that demand quality first.
The interpretation of the analysis results of plant sap were divided into six blocks clearly differentiated, such as the interpretation of electrical conductivity, pH, and Brix, as an overview of the stage of the crop
After evaluate the concentrations of each elemental though to no avail without considering the interaction between them. Finally, the microelements, which are discussed separately and interaction with phosphates.
The EC is a value which gives us understand whether the plant contains the necessary nutrients.
When the EC is low, the absorption of nutrients by the plant is insufficient. When this occurs, it causes the osmotic pressure decrease and difficult absorption and may happen that the soil or substrate has greater EC which the plant, causing dehydration thereof.
When CE is high, the plant is overfed and this can trigger health problems, so take care that the levels are within normal limits. Also, do check if it is due to a specific element or group of them all. To find out, we must deepen the analysis of the elements.
The average range in which the EC must be located, between 12 and 15 mS / cm.
As for pH, emphasize that when it is very low, that is due to an imbalance between cations and can verify that at least one is in range deficiency, and when happens to be high, deficiency is one or more anions. Although we found as normal pH 6.4 in bibliographies, we found most of the crops considered good, in a setting of 5.5 - 6.
High concentration of sugars reverted in a good nutritional status and higher nutritional value of the crop.
Low concentration, evidence lack of transformation of nutrients. It affects photosynthesis.
Each element separately gives an idea of concentration, but if we do not value the balance with other cations, we can not take any decision concerning starting readjust the balance.
Cations that influence the behavior of the plant are calcium and potassium, calcium being the dominant element in the growing period and fruit formation, passing the baton to potassium stages of fattening and maturation.
It is customary to increase the conductivity to cause flowering, with what we have as the predominant element potassium, lowering the level of calcium, so necessary for the formation of flowers and fruits. Therefore, once it achieved regulate the plant growth should be monitored in calcium concentration plant, which is influenced by the existing concentration of potassium.
We can have an adequate supply of calcium and not be absorbed by the plant on account of an excess of potassium. Lower supply of potassium can help to have the correct level ground. This balance is vital. Another influential element, especially in crops of salt water is sodium, making osmoregulator element with high concentrations must be considered higher values of other cations for the balance becomes desired. Magnesium is very important the phases in that potassium is the predominant element, ensuring that the levels are increased relative to the growth phase.
In an analysis of plant sap, the most important relationship for regulating plant is the calcium / potassium. This relationship is what determines the importance of the domain of organ growth and fattening and maturation of fruits. Depending on the predominant element in the juices the leaf, and the response of the plant to activate mechanisms to help a good balance inside the plant. At the beginning of the crop, should have large amounts of calcium, which absence thereof and having an adequate level of nitrates would be provided from sources other than the calcium nitrate. When used as the only source of calcium, this fertilizer, we can spend on the amount of nitrates, causing an undesired imbalance and so many times not we supply the plant calcium necessary. It is therefore advisable to provide calcium from other chemical forms in which do not go linked to nitrates. Once the plant has fruits formed and it takes up on sugars and fruit weight, is potassium which becomes more relevant, accompanied by a rise in absolute value of magnesium, giving the necessary strength to fulfill it required in this phase for the fruit and continue to turn a regular growth of the plant itself.
Calcium / boron:
When calcium is supplied in large quantities it must be accompanied by a supply of boron, which guarantees its presence in the juices of the plant. Therefore there will be a good pollen formation and cell structure.
Nitrates / chlorides
Sometimes, we use potassium chloride, to improve the color of leaves and fruits, especially in crops of good quality water, which will improve the quality of the fruit, but in most cases this is the response to a decrease of nitrates caused by the increase of chloride in sap. So that we could save the supply of potassium chloride, if we know in advance of the concentration of nitrates at that time in the sap of the plant. In this way would not have to cause stress to counter another.
Phosphates / microelements:
Finally, mentioning the importance of not overdo the supply of phosphates, to facilitate the absorption of micronutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the crop.
In conclusion, we could say that the sap analysis is a tool used well, is essential in making decisions on the balance of nutrients to any crop.

Jesús González Vargas
Agricultural Engineer
Development Director Ferticontrol