Visiting forestry sites in Chile,and the Multicote™ impact

The Chilean forestry industry and is the second largest export sector in Chile, just after copper mining. During a recent visit in central Chile we had the opportunity to check the results of the use of our Multicote™ controlled release fertilizer, with a special formula designed for the forestry sector.

Visiting forestry sites in Chile,and the Multicote™ impact

In Chile they tested and use on a regular basis this Multicote™ formulae. They use it for the young plantations. In the picture below we can see an area of Eucalyptus plants where only the right part of the area was fertilized with Multicote™. The differences are clear. The height of the young trees and the trunk diameters are much better. 

Multicote™, Haifa's Control Release Fertilizer applied at planting releases continuously the required nutrients into the young tree root zone, this optimal and precisely nutrients supply throughout the tree initial and critical growth stage leads to gain in growth that maintained further along the tree entire growing cycle.

Visiting forestry sites in Chile,and the Multicote™ impact