Cooperation with Haifa Chemicals has already lead to great results based on the outcomes of the first year of the orchard garden development by “Agro-Belogorie”

Agro-Belogorie that has approached Haifa Chemicals in 2014 for assistance in developing root nutrition recommendations for the orchard garden planted in the Belgorod region, highly praises the results of the cooperation based on the outcome of the first year development.

The joint work was performed for the project of developing orchard gardens to reach the total area of 3,000 ha by 2018, the first stage of which – the bedding of the apple seedlings at the area of 20 ha, has been completed in 2015.   

In 2014, Agro-Belogorie (the Client) has attracted Haifa Chemicals, a global leading supplier of the Specialty Plant Nutrients, possessing worldwide experience in developing effective solutions for farmers through leveraging a keen familiarity with the farmers’ needs and a profound knowledge of the markets, to work on the project.

Haifa Chemicals scope of work included developing recommendations, providing professional support and supervision for the root fertilization of the apple seedlings. The company leading specialists has developed the formulation, as well as recommendations on the concentration of the substance contributed and the frequency of its application. Throughout 2015, Haifa Chemicals experts have successfully provided professional support and monitored the process by direct presence on the territory of the gardens, as well as remotely, by reviewing the regular reports and photo materials received from the Client.

According to the Client, the outcomes of the first year development of the gardens clearly show that Haifa Chemicals recommendations have led to outstanding results.  The seedling growth gain was 70-110 centimeters, the seedlings skeletal branches have been extensively formed, and the problems with the tree diseases have been nearly eliminated.  It is certainly worth noting that 5-6 months following the bedding of the seedling a certain amount of the apple trees have given apple harvest. Based on the chemical analysis of the seedlings leaves obtained at the end of the 2015 season and subject to the minor deviations from the ideal (complete) amount of certain nutrients to be present in the plant, Haifa Chemicals have developed detailed recommendations for the root fertilization of the garden for 2016 to the full satisfaction of the project requirements.

Agro-Belogorie  is one of the leading Russian agricultural holdings, specializing in: industrial pig breeding and meat processing, dairy farming, crop and forage production.

Haifa Chemicals is a global leading supplier of Potassium Nitrate, Specialty Plant Nutrients and Industrial Chemicals. The company’s key mission is to create highly effective solutions for farmers worldwide.