Haifa's expertise in full motion

Haifa now shares its knowledge also through a new YouTube channel, a library of videos on various aspects of plant nutrition

Haifa's expertise in full motion

There's a common phrase saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. In our days, it is more accurate to say that a YouTube video is worth a thousand pictures. 

This phrase comes to realization when I come across websites that I find interesting. I always look first through their videos or demos. A 2 minutes video can, many times, tell you more than 10 full pages of text, and of course it spares you the time of reading. 

In order to share our knowledge with the community of growers, Haifa created a new YouTube channel, which I invite you to explore [ https://www.youtube.com/user/HaifaGroupChannel ]. You will find there an initial library of more than 30 videos dealing with various aspects of plant nutrition. 

The channel contains a mix of general information on plant nutrition technologies, and basic agronomical tips for the grower on issues such as "What is the impact of Foliar feeding supplement?", "How does Multicote technology work?", "What is the secret of strong turf?", "How can you be sure that your fertilizers get their way to your plant?", and more. 

Besides those insightful videos, Haifa's online knowledge center that include thousands of articles about plant nutrition and application methods – all brought to help you grow better crops. 

Aviv Sax-Nahamoni 

Corporate Marketing Manager 

Haifa Group

Haifa's expertise in full motion