Making Movies & Monitoring Soil Temperature

These days we are working on a video presenting Multicote Agri and its applications. Last week, I was lucky to participate an outdoor filming session.

Making Movies & Monitoring Soil Temperature

This filming day was a great opportunity for me, pale office ant, to breathe some fresh air and to put my hands in the dirt, literally (pic. 1). 

Missing some greenhouse scenes, we went to Moshav Ahituv, near Hadera, where 75% of Israel's cucumber consumption is grown. It seems that our position in this area is very good: growers know Haifa and are familiar with our products, both soluble and controlled-release fertilizers. Thanks to Shahar Dayan's good relations with the growers (it seems that everybody there knows him!) we could draft a local crew to take part in the movie (pic. 2). 

In pictures 3-4 you can see Shahar demonstrating the use of a data-logger to monitor the changes in soil temperature, which enables to assess Multicote Agri actual release rate and availability of nutrients to the crop. 

According to Shahar, this device has become an important element in the field agronomist toolbox: it enables accurate measurements in any media. Shallow or deep soil, greenhouse ambient and outdoors air – no challenge is too tough for this little card. "It also brings added value of know-how, data control and better relationship with the grower, let alone the fact that we have better indication what's going on down there in the soil, 'temperature-wise', especially under harsh climatic periods", Shahar says. 

The movie is now being edited, and will be published within a few weeks. More details on the data logger will follow soon.

Making Movies & Monitoring Soil Temperature