Guide des cultures de fraises - pour une meilleure utilisation de votre engrais à la fraise

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un exemple d’information sur les fraises dans ce guide:
- Strawberries prefer slightly acidic soils with a pH of between 5.5 and 6.5.
- Strawberry plants are extremely sensitive to salinity, especially at the transplant stage.
- Since the strawberry plants are shallow rooted, permanent moisture is necessary to maximize production. .
- As strawberries grow they will produce runners that will spread out and root to produce additional plants. Position the first runners with approximately 15 cm (6 inches) spacing between them.
- Only allow a few runners per plant, then remove additional runners to promote crown growth.
- Potassium is required by strawberry plants to help them acquire water through the roots and control water loss by transpiration.
- Potassium may compete with magnesium for uptake by the roots and must, therefore, be maintained at an appropriate ratio (4:1, K:Mg) in the soil solution to prevent one of these nutrients from overriding the other, thereby creating a deficiency.