Fertilization of delphinium in greenhouse soilless growing conditions


Our complete fertilization recommendation for growing beautiful delphiniums



Growing conditions: Greenhouse, soilless.
Growing medium: scoria, crushed to about ¼ inch diameter, or pumice of a similar size to be an ideal growing medium.
Water time obviously varies from day to day and season to season, according to the plant's needs. It should be noted that, in order to keep salts to a level which delphinium will tolerate (relatively low) it is necessary to flush the plants with water for about half an hour at least once a week.

The recipe is for fertilizers to be mixed into a 20,000 liter tank and watered out as is. No dilution is required. Fertigation being applied until the trays in which the delphinium plants were growing were saturated, and water began to seep out of the drain holes in the trays.





Summer feed


Fertilizer per 20,000 litresTotalNPKSMgCa
Multi-K 13-0-463 kg0.39 1.38   
Pot. Sulphate1 kg  0.500.23  
Cal. Nit. 15.5 - (19%C)15 kg2.33    2.85
Ammonium. Nit. 34.5 %4 kg1.38     
Magnesium Sulphate1 kg    0.50 
Magnisal kg0.22   0.30 
Multi-Keep 0-52-343 kg 1.530.99   
Iron Chelate450 gm      
Borax20 gm      
Zinc. Sulphate10 gm      
Manganese. Sulphate10 gm      
Sodium. Molibdate0.7 gm      
Copper. Sulphate0.5 gm      






Water feed


Fertilizer per 20,000 litresTotalNPKSMgCa
Multi-K 13-0-463 kg0.39 1.38   
Pot. Sulphate1.5 kg  0.750.35  
Cal. Nit. 15.5 - (19%C)14 kg2.17    2.85
Ammonium. Nit. 34.5 %1 kg0.35     
Magnesium Sulphate1 kg    0.50 
Magnisal kg0.00   0.00 
Multi-Keep 0-52-34   1.020.66   
Iron Chelate       
Zinc. Sulphate       
Manganese. Sulphate       
Sodium. Molibdate       
Copper. Sulphate       



Source: Dowdeswellw's Delphiniums