India: descoperire în fertilizarea trestiei de zahăr

Beneficiu net mare pentru aplicarea de Multi-K prin fertirigare, număr crescut de noduri pe trestie și distanța inter-nodală




Sugar-Cane / Co-671

Country / location India / Maharashtra / Pandarpur (dist.) / Ropale (village)
Objectives Increase productivity
Haifa product tested Multi-K
Application method Fertigation
Tested treatment Fertigation on alternate days from 30th to 275th D.A.P
Multi-K @ 225 kg/ha
Control treatment results 125 MT/ha of fresh canes
Grower’s return from yield: 2,794 US$/ha
Best treatment results 175 MT/ha of fresh canes
Grower’s return from yield: 3,911 US$/ha
Characteristics of best treatment Yield increase: 50 MT/ha of fresh canes
Increased No. of nodes per cane and inter-nodal distance.
Cost of treatment (application + material) 201 US$/ha
Net benefit of best treatment 916 US$/ha
Benefit/Cost ratio 5.56
Conclusions These results indicate high net benefit of the application employed. It should be repeated in other conditions and if positive, can be adopted as a standard management.
Reference R. Raju D.V. NHIL-India