My visit to Mexico

Last August I've visited growers in Mexico from Jalisco , Guanajuato , Queretaro , Sonora & Chihuahua.

During my visit to the Avocado growing area of Cuidad Guzman Jalisco I met a few Avocado companies.


Jalisco state

on the left: William Pachon – Haifa Colombia new agronomist .


This area is defining by sub- tropical climate with 1000 –1500 MM of rainfall in the months of July  – Oct.

In this area we are testing our Multicote-Agri™ Juvenile for transplanting as well as our soluble Polyfeed™ and Straights Haifa-Mag™ , Multi npK™ and Haifa-MKP™ for both Nutrigation™ and Foliar spray.

The visit was in conjunction of our local distributor as well as our Haifa Mexico west region Gustavo Velazquez and the new Haifa Colombia agronomist William Pachon.




Additional visit took place at the states of Guanajuato & Queretaro in the central of Mexico together with Haifa Mexico team.



                                                                                                                                                               Haifa Mexico team with our dealer for Queretaro state.



This visit was an opportunity to train our new agronomist for Haifa Colombia William Pachon that accompanied me .



                                                                                                     In Chihuahua state ​



In Chihuahua state I visited vegetable growing areas which are belonging to the Mennonites community where I provided fertilization recommendations and tips.


Sonora state Our distributor team work  

Sonora state - Our distributor team work                                                                  On the left: Gaspar Santana – Haifa Northern Mexico new agronomist

In Sonora state we visited Grapes growers and I provided a lecture  and this  I've had the pleasure to train our new agronomist for Haifa Mexico northen area Gaspar Santana.