Both farmers and plants deserve a comprehensive all-inclusive approach to plant nutrition.

Precise Nutrition, Peak Performance for Crops
Customized fertilization programs allow growers to match crop requirements and irrigation schemes, optimizing plant nutrition while enabling a comprehensive, sustainable approach to fertilization management that assesses carbon footprints and various other environmental indicators relating to fertilizer programs.

Instantaneous Crop Analysis at Your Fingertips
Negates having to estimate plant nutrient quantities. Helping growers gain an understanding for implementing the right fertilizer plan, in accordance with actual crop conditions. CropTune™ excludes the need for costly lab analysis, saving time and money.

For best use of controlled release fertilizers
Matches nutritional programs to specific crop needs and growth conditions, thus optimizing growth by improving nutrient efficiency, eliminating fertilizer loss through a controlled release mechanism & minimizing environmental impacts.

Foliar Spraying Recommendations
Studying and analyzing location & specific crop growth stages, by entering crop data, plot & spraying methods (ground/aerial), FoliMatch™ provides growers with the right information for spray concentration, volume, and coverage quantities.