Poly-Feed Stim™ Impact combats wilting and improves yields in hydroponic lettuce

A grower of hydroponic lettuce in Pernambuco state, Brazil, encountered a severe wilting problem that resulted in considerable loss of yield – up to 15%.

Soon after the application of Poly-Feed™ Stim Impact 4-15-37+3MgO+ME + Fulvic Acids, the occurrence of wilting decreased, and wilting-resulted losses declined to about 3%.  

In addition, the growth cycle was shortened by 4 days, which gained the grower with one more cycle per year.   

Poly-Feed™ Stim is a range of products that combine Haifa's high-quality water-soluble fertilizers with natural bio-stimulant compounds. Poly-Feed™ Stim products provide the growing plant with optimal nutrition, while enhancing the performance of physiological mechanisms and improving the entire growth system. This results in healthy development and better yield.

Enriched with fulvic acids, Poly-Feed™ Stim Impact promotes plant growth, facilitates translocation of nutrients in the plant tissues and enhances stress resistance.

Read more about Poly-Feed™ Stim