#StopSoilPollution Campaign

World Soil Day (WSD) is held annually on 5th of December as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management of soil resources.  While many changes made in our planet are infact visible, some of our impacts are virtually invisible, and soil pollution is a good example. This year's theme: Be the Solution to Soil Pollution campaign for World Soil Day 2018 aims to raise awareness and call people to #StopSoilPollution.


Soil pollution, a hidden reality

Soil pollution can be invisible and seems far away but everyone is affected by it. Soil pollution is a worldwide problem which degrades our soils, poisons the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe.Soils have a great potential to filter and buffer contaminants, degrading and attenuating the negative effects of pollutants, but this capacity is finite. Most of the pollutants originate from human activities, such as unsustainable farming practices, industrial activities and mining, untreated urban waste and other non-environmental friendly practices. As technology evolves, scientists are able to identify previously undetected pollutants, but at the same time these technological improvements lead to new contaminants being released into the environment. 




Haifa Group fights global warming by reducing emission of greenhouse gases. Haifa stands at the forefront in development of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodologies for reducing gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Haifa is a pioneer in marketing of potassium nitrate for thermo-solar power stations – Haifa K-Solar™. Tens of thousands of tons of high quality potassium nitrate are used for energy storage, in power plants in Spain and are also attracting worldwide interest. This innovative use of green energy significantly reduces the consumption of fossil fuels.

The company is also establishing a local power plant to use the heat formed in production processes to generate electricity. The local power station will supply electricity directly to consumers without the need of long transmission lines from power stations along the coast.

The precise nutrition approach optimally combines specialty fertilizer applications: Nutrigation™, controlled release nutrition (CRF) and foliar nutrition. These application methods are environmentally friendly, and continuously provide plants with precise, balanced nutrition, without leaving residues in the soil.
Using Haifa's specialty fertilizers with the precise nutrition approach maximizes the Nutrient Use Efficiency, thereby reducing the impact on the environment.

The precise nutrition approach helps meet the demands of modern agriculture to maximize the Nutrient Use Efficiency and reduce environmental impact while maintaining high yields.

Learn more about how you can increase efficiency of fertilizer application to prevent environmental pollution here.