Haifa Blog

Share your experience and take advantage of others knowledge. Haifa blog is your connection with associates worldwide. 
This is the place to share your experience, consult with experts and other growers, present growth results, publish pictures, and much more.

How to avoid iron deficiency in soils and plants

Although Iron is the 4th most common element in the Earth, yet its deficiency…

Fertilizers and Pesticides: What You Need to Know

One of the main concerns for gardeners and farmers alike is making sure that…

Spring planting of summer crops

Spring is the time to plant summer crops, as the weather conditions…

Improve yields by using Dormancy breaking and foliar feeding

Although it is very cold outside, Spring is around the corner and it is now the…

Are you ready for " La Niña"?

According to climate scientists, we are in the middle of "La Niña" climate…

Haifa Iberia signed an agreement with SIGFITO for recycling bags

Haifa Iberia signed an agreement with SIGFITO , that will allow them to recycle…

Zinc deficiency in plants: 8 surprising facts and ways of coping.

Although Zinc in considered to be a Microelement, its role is crucial in plants…

Haifa SEE West Balkans Workshop

The two-day Haifa’s SEE West Balkans Workshop ended with great success On…

The Basic, Brilliant, Lasting Idea of Multicote™ for Nurseries

Every system or product that is introduced to a market must meet some basic or…

Haifa at the New Ag International and IFA events, Dublin 2019

After coming back after 5 days at the International Fertilizer Association (IFA…

Advanced Agriculture Solutions for Supporting Water and Nutrient Use efficiency

Advanced Agriculture Solutions - Supporting Water and Nutrient Use…

Tailored fertilizer for urban agriculture

As Populations around the world fast grows, agricultural lands shrink. The…