Haifa Blog

Share your experience and take advantage of others knowledge. Haifa blog is your connection with associates worldwide. 
This is the place to share your experience, consult with experts and other growers, present growth results, publish pictures, and much more.

Expo AgroAlimentaria Guanajuato

The Expo AgroAlimentaria Guanajuato is an event developed in Irapuato ,…


In most micropropagation systems minerals and other components of the medium…

CRFs for tissue culture

In most micropropagation systems minerals and other components of the medium…

Time, labor and cost saving for Mexican oil palm growers

Palm oil growing became popular in South West Mexico over the past few years.…

Visiting the heart of Turkey's agriculture

As part of my job as marketing manager of Haifa’s water soluble fertilizers I…

Visitanos en la Casa de la Innovación en la Expoagroalimentaria 2016

Ya agendaste tu visita a la Expo agroalimentaria que se llevará a cabo del 8 al…

360° Farmer Mind China - offering long term sustainable solutions

On my recent visit to China, I had the opportunity to meet local growers in…

Meet our expert: PhD. José Manuel Fontanilla Puerto, Haifa Iberia's marketing manager

Holding a PhD. from the Universidad de Córdoba, Spain, he joined Haifa Group 11…

Controlled release fertilizer for exotic fruits

As part of my summer visit in the US, I got an opportunity to join Scott Todd…

Talleres de Conocimiento HAIFA Mexico | Spanish

Estos tres meses hemos llevado a cabo seminarios de Nutrición Vegetal con…