Haifa Micro™ Top Iron S

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Haifa Micro™ Top Iron S

Iron fertilizer, Fe-DTPA (11% Fe) 

  • Prevents and cures plant iron deficiencies
  • DTPA chelate - for maximum efficiency
  • Absorbed rapidly and completely
  • Recommended for use is acidic to neutral soils

Iron plays an important role in chlorophyll formation.
It is involved in cell division that supports plant growth, and in other vital reactions in the plant.
Typical deficiency symptoms: leaf yellowing, interveinal chlorosis.


Chemical and physical properties*

Iron (Fe) 11%
pH (1% solution) 6.5
pH Stability range 1.5-7.5
Conductivity (1% solution) 3.0 mS/cm at 20°C
Solubility in water ca. 800 g/L (20°C)
Bulk density untapped ca. 0.8 g/cm3
Appearance Solid micro granules, brownish

*Tolerances as per EC 1009/2019
1 kg buckets in 12 kg boxes (on 576 kg pallets)
2 Kg buckets in 12 kg boxes (on 648 kg pallets)
5 Kg buckets in 20 kg boxes (on 800 kg pallets)
25 Kg buckets (on 750 kg pallets)
Nutrigation™ and foliar nutrition of all crops
Suitable for use in hydroponic systems