Slow release fertilizer VS. Controlled release fertilizer

Slow-release fertilizers (SRFs) are designed to deliver plant nutrients over time. However, they differ from controlled release fertilizers (CRFs) in several ways, altogether making their performance less predictable and not as reliable as CRFs.
The table below compares between Haifa's Multicote™ technology and the three main technologies used in slow-release fertilizers.


Follow the table below to learn about the main differences, by comparing Haifa's Multicote™ technology with the three main technologies used by slow release fertilizers:

 Multicote™SCU, Poly-SCUIBDUMethylene Urea, Ureaform
TechnologyPolymer coatingSulfur-based coatingUrea reaction productUrea reaction product
Release mechanismDiffusionRapture of coatingHydrolysisMicrobial degradation
Longevity2-16 months, depends on the coating thickness2-2.5 monthsDepends on particle sizeMU: 12 weeks
UF: 12 months
Release controlling factorsTemperatureMicrobial activity, moisture, temperatureSoil moisture, temperatureMicrobial activity, moisture, temperature, pH, organic matter
Controlled-release N (% of total N)*100%40-50%85%MU: 50%
UF: 20%
Additional nutrients in a controlled-release formControlled-release NPK formulae---


Slow release fertilizer: less control over nutrient release

As shown in the table, only one factor – soil temperature – affects the nutrients release of controlled release fertilizers. As for slow release fertilizers, there are multiple factors affecting the release (soil moisture, temperate, pH, etc.). Thus, using controlled release fertilizers the nutrient release is much more predictable.

Haifa's slow controlled release fertilizers

Haifa's controlled release fertilizers offer continuous release of nutrients throughout the growth season, optimized nutrition in a single easy application, reduced application rates and many other benefits.


Controlled release fertilizers - how does it work? watch the video:


Learn more about our Multicote™ products