Controlled release nutrition for oil palm

MulticoteAgri controlled release fertilizers offer ideal nutrition for oil palm seedlings at the nursery and for oil palm planting
Efficient production of vigorous oil palm plants requires adequate nutrition during the nursery stage. Regulated supply of plant nutrients is also important for the establishment of newly planted seedlings.
The special benefits of growing oil palm with Multicote Agri controlled release fertilizers:
  • Continuous nutritionMulticoteAgri releases nutrients slowly and constantly over several months.
  • Labor saving – only single application per season is required to provide the plants with the nutrition required for healthy growth. As availability of manpower in plantation areas may be limited, saving on application labor is a significant advantage.
  • Reduced leaching of nutrients – nutrients are protected from immediate dissolution, so even frequent rainfall will not leach the fertilizer from the root zone. As a result, nutrients are consumed more efficiently, and environmental pollution is avoided.

How does it Work?

Multicote™ Agri products are made of soluble fertilizer granules, encapsulated in a thin polymeric coating. This coating acts as a semi-permeable barrier that allows measured diffusion of nutrients when the fertilizer granules are applied to the soil. 



Following application, Multicote™ Agri granules start absorbing moisture that dissolves the nutrients inside the granules. The dissolved nutrients then diffuse, slowly and continuously, into the root zone.


The rate of diffusion – the actual release rate - depends upon and is dictated solely by the soil temperature. The release rate increases as temperature rises, just as happens with plant uptake rates.


Other factors, such as soil type, humidity, pH, and microbial activity do not affect the release rate.


Application recommendations



Multicote Agri (12) 19-10-13+2MgO+Microelements, 5 g/plant.

Apply on the top layer of soil after planting the germinated seeds. Cover the fertilizer granules to avoid wash-off.


Main nursery stage:

Multicote™ Agri (12) 19-10-13+2MgO+Microelements, 50-70 g/plant (depending on local conditions)

Make a hole in the center of the soil-filled bag. Apply Multicote® Agri into the hole and place the seedling in the hole. Firm the soil around the seedling and irrigate. Multicote™ Agri will provide the plant with nutrients over 8 months, after which another application of Multicote® Agri or liquid fertilization is required.


One stage nursery:

Multicote™ Agri (12) 19-10-13+2MgO+Microelements, 50-70 g/plant (depending on local conditions)

Make a hole in the center of the soil-filled bag. Apply Multicote™ Agri into the hole and place the germinated seedling in the hole. Firm the soil around the seedling and irrigate. Multicote™ Agri will provide the plant with nutrients over 8 months, after which another application of Multicote™ Agri or liquid fertilization is required.



Multicote™ Agri (12) 19-10-13+2MgO+Microelements, 250-350 gr into the planting hole.


Year 1:
Multicote™ Agri (12) 19-10-13+2MgO+Microelements, 400-550 g/plant.
Dig 3-4 holes and apply the Multicote™ Agri into each hole.

Year 2:
Multicote™ Agri (12) 12-5-26+2MgO+Microelements, 650-850 g/plant.
Dig 3-4 holes and apply the Multicote™ Agri into each hole.


Watch the video to learn more about Haifa's Multicote™ Agri: