Haifa Australia

Mr. Trevor Dennis
Unit 14, 328 Reserve Rd, Cheltenham, Victoria. Postal address: PO Box 224 Southland 3192
+61-3-9583 4691
+61-3-9585 3640

Haifa has been serving growers in Australia and New Zealand for nearly two decades. In order to provide the best support, the Haifa Australia subsidiary was established in 2009.


Pioneering products: Haifa Australia is the leading supplier of water soluble fertilizers to the Australian market, with Multi-K™ potassium nitrate and Poly-Feed™ NPK fertilizers as the leading brands. Haifa Australia is also the largest supplier of nutrients to the Almond industry, as well other horticultural crops.


Pioneering support: The Haifa Australia team works closely with growers to provide tailored solutions for their specific needs, alongside with professional support.


Pioneering knowledge & growth: Haifa Australia is active in introducing the Australian farmers to the fertigation concept – the way water soluble nutrients combined with correct irrigation can save money, increase yield, and improve production quality.