Agronomic Q&A - Chlorosis appearance

We recieved the following questions and hope that all of you can benefit from our answer.
I am inviting you to ask me questions regarding your crops. I will share my tips & recommendations here in Haifa's blog. For questions write to:


I grow tomatoes and cucumbers in a greenhouse in a soil. Chlorosis appears, can you help me determine which trace element is missing? My other question is does chlorosis always mean a lack of chemical, can chlorosis be caused by a chemical element?


First, I will start by answering your second question:

Yes, it is possible that the symptoms of one nutrient deficiency are due to excess of other nutrients or abiotic stress like drought or flood or diseases like virus.
​​​​​​​For that reason I cannot say what is your chlorosis reason, even if it looks like a symptom of Magnesium deficiency. You should send a tissue sample to the laboratory to check all the possibilities.

I suggest you to watch our 2 webinars about nutrients deficiencies, it is well explained there:

How to identify and handle plant nutrient deficiencies. Part 1: Macro and secondary nutrients

How to identify and handle plant nutrient deficiencies. Part 2: Micro nutrients

Best regards,
