Almond Board of Australia conference

Haifa has been showing its strong support of the Australian almond industry.

We were the signature sponsor of the recent 2016 Almond Board of Australia conference and we have hosted Californian expert Blake Sanden in Australia over two weeks to talk with growers at the conference and in key growing regions.

Blake is the Irrigation and Agronomy Farm Advisor with the University of California (Cooperative Extension).

At the conference, Blake spoke about his work validating water use for almonds and he highlighted the tough water conditions in the Californian region. Water reserves there have depleted due to the conditions and salt levels have doubled and tripled in various parts.

Blake said his research did indicate that almond trees could be capable of much higher yields.

Meanwhile, he told growers that the drought in California and increasingly competitive water market could put a halt to the continued growth of the local industry.

Blake is concerned about water reform in California.

“California’s coming groundwater regulations for the southern half of the state are probably going to reduce our acreage by anywhere from 25 to 40 per cent,’’ he said.

He would like to see Australian growers collaborate more with their Californian competitors.

Haifa highly values opportunities to support and partner with grower and industry organisations, and to enhance knowledge sharing across the industry and across the globe.

Photo caption: Blake Sanden (centre), Irrigation and Agronomy Farm Advisor with the University of California (Cooperative Extension), who has been a guest of Haifa in Australia, pictured during a visit with local growers Denis and Dean Dinicola, Mandole Almond Orchard.



Meet us on December 6-8, 2016 at the CALIFORNIA ALMONDS conference- Sacramento Convention Center, CA, USA