Growers and researchers from across the globe are trying to come up with solutions for citrus greening, coffee rust and soybean rust. So what did they come up with?
While the drought is over in most parts of USA and South America, nature brought new challenges to growers: coffee rust and Citrus greening diseases continue to cause immense damages, and the soybean rust disease broke out earlier than expected in the USA.
Citrus greening: Can Wasps Save the Orange Juice?
With no cure in sight to the citrus greening epidemic, the entomologists are using biological control to keep psyllid (the insect that transmits the disease) populations small as possible in areas where pesticide sprays have failed:
A new method for early identification of diseased trees will allow the start of an early foliar nutrition treatment, in order to help the tree to be more vital and better cope with the disease:
Asian soybean rust showing up earlier than usual
Soybean is one of the most important sources of food and animal feed. In last years, perhaps due to the changes in the climate pattern, the outbreaks of soya rust disease are more often and more severe:
See how foliar nutrition can help soybean crop to cope with this stress: here
The Colombian coffee industry is in trouble
Colombian Farmers had to plant two billion new trees resistant to coffee rust due to last years soybean rust epidemic:
Read my previous post: Coffee rust and the importance of foliar nutrition - here