The first Haifa U webinar is now available on YouTube

If you missed the first online seminar in the series, don't worry – it's all on video

The first Haifa U webinar is now available on YouTube

The webinar, delivered by Prof. Leo Marcelis, addressed the topic "Optimizing Quality: The necessity of sufficient and accurate cation supply to crops' quality". 

Watch the webinar: 

Hundreds of participants from over 30 countries took part in the live event and sent questions to Haifa Team and Prof. Marcelis, who kept answering even after the webinar ended. 

The webinars are produced in a co-production with Wageningen University, the Netherlands, and present very practical key topics of advanced fertilization. The second webinar is about optimizing growth by anion supply. It will be held on January 28, 2015, at 8:00 pm (GMT +1). 

Register and learn more about Haifa U webinars: