Haifa NWE will organise Haifa U: Fertigation in greenhouse crops twice!

The number of interested participants in our Haifa U "Pioneering Knowledge" seminar exceeded our expectations. As a result, we decided to organize a second seminar. Hurry up to ensure your spot!

Haifa NWE will organise Haifa U: Fertigation in greenhouse crops twice!

We are very pleased with the high interest that is shown in our Haifa U “Pioneering Knowledge’ Seminar in Bleiswijk (NL) 19-20th of March. The number of interested participants exceeded our expectations and as we donot want to disappoint anyone we decided to organise the seminar twice. See enclosed invitation and full programm for 16-17th April: https://haifa-group.com/files/Other/News/Haifa_Seminar_NWE/Program_Haifa_U_Seminar_April.pdf


You can register till March 15th via mail to NorthWestEurope@haifa-group.com Availability is limited!