Peppers fertilized with Multicote™ Agri

Last March/April 2017, a grower in the Trichardtsdal area, near Tzaneen (South Africa) planted peppers. The grower with the help of Mark de Jonge our distributor - Inteligro Tzaneen, used Haifas "Multicote TM Agri (8) Omega Solace", a blend of Multicote TM products with conventional fertilizers in a NPK ratio of 3:2:5, with the N and P releasing in the vegetative growing phase and the K releasing over an 8 month period.

Peppers fertilized with Multicote™  Agri

Calcium nitrate was also applied weekly throughout the growing season together with suitable micro-nutrient package.
The pictures down below were taken by mid of July during filming of our CRF video for our distributor Inteligro, by which time the grower has already harvested 3000 cartons (about 15 tons) per hectare. He is hoping to take off another 5000 to 6000 cartons before the end of the season.

For further information about Haifa Multicote™ : /multicote™-agri-controlled-release-fertilizers-agriculture

Peppers fertilized with Multicote™  Agri