Haifa Blog

Share your experience and take advantage of others knowledge. Haifa blog is your connection with associates worldwide. 
This is the place to share your experience, consult with experts and other growers, present growth results, publish pictures, and much more.

Haifa Savannah 5 year anniversary

Sept of 2020 marks the 5 anniversary of Haifa Multicote CRF production in…

Global Strength delivers leading nutrient solutions

Working for an international fertiliser company for 11 years has presented some…

Multicote™ CRF for Better Shelf Life of Nursery Plants

When potted plants are taken out of the production area and subjected to…

Haifa SEE West Balkans Workshop

The two-day Haifa’s SEE West Balkans Workshop ended with great success On…

Trip to Valais valley

I've just returned from a week visit to France and Switzerland. During this…

Haifa at the New Ag International and IFA events, Dublin 2019

After coming back after 5 days at the International Fertilizer Association (IFA…

#StopSoilPollution Campaign

World Soil Day (WSD) is held annually on 5th of December as a means to focus…

Dutch nurseries supported by professional advice

Two large Dutch nurseries benefit from Haifa’s Multicote™ added value and…

Tailored fertilizer for urban agriculture

As Populations around the world fast grows, agricultural lands shrink. The…

Controlled Release Nitrogen for Better Rice Crops

Controlled Release Nitrogen for Better Rice Crops Rice is the most extensively…

Caring for the Planet starts with CRF

World Soil Day (WSD) is held annually on 5th of December as a means to focus…

Caring for the Planet starts with CRF

World Soil Day (WSD) is held annually on 5th of December as a means to focus…