Haifa Group participates China-Israel Ministerial Conference



Shirley Peng


China-Israel Ministerial Conference on Cooperation in Agricultural Innovation Held in Nanjing

The National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Expo for New Farmers and New Technology was held in Nanjing on November 15, and a delegation of Israeli high-tech agricultural enterprises participated. The "China-Israel Agricultural Enterprises Mutual Communication Conference" organized by the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Israel Ministry of Agriculture, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy and Industry of Israel jointly was held at the Nanjing Youth International Convention Hotel. Leaders who attended the Conference and the ministerial conferences of the two countries included Israeli Ambassador stationed in China He Zewei, Ministry of Agriculture of Israel, Uri Ariel Hacohen, and Minister of Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China, Han Changfu.

China-Israel agricultural cooperation has a long history and great potential. Minister Han said in his speech, "Agriculture is an important part of innovation cooperation between China and Israel. The two countries have strong complementarities in terms of agricultural technology, industry and market. They have carried out many pragmatic and efficient cooperation over the years and achieved positive results." He also mentioned the high-tech agricultural cooperation projects between China and Israel in Ningxia and Yunnan and other provinces, and stressed the achievements of the agricultural industry in the fortieth anniversary of China's reform and opening up.

Mrs. Shirley Peng, Haifa China representative office manager for the past 24 years, went on stage and introduced Haifa Group to all the presents in the conference, with an emphasis on the company's activities in China and the challenges ahead.