Haifa Group Earns High Platinum Rating in Ma'ala Israeli ESG Index for Third Consecutive Year


We are thrilled to announce that Haifa Group has once again achieved the prestigious High Platinum rating in the Ma'ala Israeli ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) index for the third year in a row! 

This remarkable accomplishment is a testament to our unwavering dedication to our core values: Innovation, Impact, and COMPASSion. Our relentless commitment to these principles drives us to act with uncompromising accountability, ensuring that we make a positive difference in everything we do.

Receiving this esteemed recognition reinforces our position as a trusted leader in the agriculture and plant nutrition sectors, and it solidifies our reputation as a responsible global corporate.

Thank you to our incredible team and partners for their ongoing support and dedication. Together, we are making a meaningful impact on the world.