PR: An innovative project "The Sustainable Olive Orchard"

With key message "invest in knowledgerespect tradition" became the official presentation of the standard Greek Olive Orchard, an initiative of BASF, world leader in crop protection, the HAIFA SOUTH EAST EUROPE pioneer in nutrition issues, with innovation plant solutions,  NETAFIM, assigned to Integrated irrigation systems andin cooperation with thecertified producer group “ Molon Lave”. The event held on Wednesday, July 6, 2016, in the Museum of the Olive and
Greek Olive Oil in Sparta.


With vehicle the olive cultivation, the main instrument of economic growth and dominant element of Greece's cultural heritage, the SUSTAINABLE OLIVE ORCHARD, located in LIRA Laconia, aimed at sustainable agricultural production by implementing new innovative tools and solutions and traditional practices in the production, which they have documented, measurable results over a period of five years. The project will be part of the European Network of Partnerships for Sustainability, Farm Network, of BASF.


The interventions will be made in the project on the three pillars of sustainability: environmentsocietyeconomy. The aim is to optimize production, ie more and better quality crop while minimizing resource use and input and respect for the environment. Result will be to maintain the balance of the local ecosystem and the economic viability of rural businesses with a direct benefit for the producer, and collective benefit through further development of the local community.


The Haifa’ s South East Europe  placements for these axes were presented by Ms. Katerina Partheniou, Sales Agronomist & Granular Product Manager, and are as follows:
Initially we are interested in the protection of the environment and through specific and controlled high quality nutrition with the best results, avoid environmental damage.
Secondly, in the era when the country in general and the agricultural sector in particular, are experiencing economic hardship, our goal is economic viability of the project and whether it is possible to create a proposal to all subsequent growers to follow this economic and qualitative nutrition solution.
Third, cultural heritage, together with the nature of the tender of students aged and creating conditions and opportunities for jobs in society are prime factors in us who participate in this initiative and our deep desire to contribute greatly and to this purpose.