Foliar fertilization of wheat using Haifa bonus crystalline

A comprehensive fertilization recommendation, for spraying the fertilizer either by airplane or by tractor operated sprayer


Product: Haifa bonus crystalline (12-2-44)

Treatment timing: Two treatments are recommended, timed as follows

Physiological stage I. 
Tillering to
Spraying by Airplane
Tractor operated sprayer
Physiological stage II
Flowering until 
milk stage of the 
Spraying by Airplane
Tractor operated sprayer
Total rate15 Kg/Ha Haifa bonus
Spray volume100-150 liter/Ha
Solution concentration (w/v)15 - 10 % (respectively)
Adjuvant/surfactantRecommended (As generally practiced for foliar sprays)
Total rate15 Kg/Ha Haifa bonus
Spray volume200-400 liter/Ha
Solution concentration (w/v)7.5 - 3.75 % (respectively)
Adjuvant/surfactantRecommended (As generally practiced for foliar sprays)
Total rate10 Kg/Ha Haifa bonus
Spray volume100-150 liter/Ha
Solution concentration (w/v)10 - 6.7 % (respectively)
Adjuvant/surfactantRecommended (As generally practiced for foliar sprays)
Total rate10 Kg/Ha Haifa bonus
Spray volume200-400 liter/Ha
Solution concentration (w/v)5 - 2.5 % (respectively)
Adjuvant/surfactantRecommended (As generally practiced for foliar sprays)

Compatibility. Haifa bonus is highly compatible with a wide range of pesticides and growth regulators, commonly used in field-crops. It is also compatible with other plant nutrients used for correction of deficiencies (Mg, Zn, etc.). Nevertheless, it is advisable to confirm compatibility by mixing a sample of the spray materials at the recommended concentration, before adding to the mix tank.


Safety Measures. Spray should be applied when the plants are fully turgid, and should be avoided during hot and dry weather. Best results are obtained when spraying in the late evening or early morning. It is recommended that this mixture will be sprayed on a small test plot, a few days prior to the comprehensive commercial treatment, so as to assess whether any adverse effects may occur.


Wheat (grain)

Macro elements removed by 1 ton marketable product

-------------------------------------- Kg/ton ------------------------------------------

Plant analysis guide

Nutrient sufficiency ranges (source: A & L, Agronomy Handbook, Ankerman & Large Eds.)
Field crops*
Wheat (High yield)NSPKMgCaNaBZnMnFeCuAlMo
------------------------ % ---------------------------------------- p.p.m ---------------
*  Plant part to sample:
Mid-tillering: whole above ground portion of plant.
Next 3-4 sampling times will depend on lab. Data of first sampling: whole above ground portion of plant.