Haifa Articles

Table 2: Soil potassium (K) levels

Soil groups matched with the potassium (K) content and crop group demands.…

Table 1: Soil phosphorus (P) levels

  Soil groups matched with the phosphorus (P) content and crop group…

How to set application rates

Step 1: Perform a soil test measuring ppm units. The most important two…

Application rates

Soil characteristics and the nutritional demands of the crop determine the…

Farmers' Manual - Haifa Turbo-K™

  Table of Contents   Haifa Turbo-K™ Application Rates How…

Terms of Use – QR Scanner Campaign

1. General Definitions "QR Codes" - Quick Response codes, which are…

Facing climate change effects on agriculture

Everybody talks about the weather. We are doing: Facing climate change effects…


Haifa's food phosphates comply with the regulation of the Israeli Ministry of…

Worksheet 2: Drill Spreader Calibration Calculation

Calculations to determine fertilizer weight (B) for the desired…

Worksheet 1: Drill Spreader Calibration Calculation

Calculations to measure the actual application rate:   43,560 ft2/acre x…

Fertilizer Spreader Calibration

Proper calibration assures even and exact nutrition to the crop, saving money,…

Good Application Practices

Equipment handling   To assure proper operation of the spreader, the…