Plant Nutrition Insights

Cultivation of the Dahlia

Abstract: The production and marketing of flowers and ornamental plants has…

Hot to grow Dahlias

Abstract: When and where to plant, soil preperation, watering,planting &…


Author: Eyal Ronen Haifa Chemicals Chief Agronomist Abstract: EYAL RONEN…

Red Clover

Abstract: ed clover is an important seed and forage crop in western…

White Clover

Abstract: White clover is one of the most important pasture legumes. It is…

Managing Clover

Abstract: The information in this booklet was sourced from: Germinal,…

Optimizing Asparagus with Haifa

Yossi Evyatar, an Israeli grower, has been using Haifa fertilizers for many…

Cultivation of tobacco

Need more information about growing tobacco? You can always return to…

Good agricultural practices for sugar cane

Abstract: Thailand is in the top rank of the exporters of sugar in the…


Abstract: By way of introduction as the editor, I am an Honours graduate…

Growing Garlic

Abstract: Garlic is one of the easiest and most satisfying crops for home…