Potassium Nitrate
Haifa's Potassium Nitrate products represent a unique source of potassium due to their nutritional value and contribution to plant's health and yields. Potassium Nitrate has distinctive chemical and physical properties that are beneficial to the environment. Haifa offers a wide range of potassium nitrate products for Nutrigation™, foliar sprays, side-dressing and controlled-release fertilization.
Haifa's potassium nitrate products are marketed under the Multi-K™ brand.
Multi-K™ Products
Foliar Feeding
Foliar Feeding provides fast, on-the-spot supplementary nutrition to ensure high, top quality yields and is an ideal feeding method under certain growth conditions in which absorption of nutrients from the soil is inefficient, or for use on short–term crops. Precision-timed foliar sprays are also a fast-acting and effective method for treating nutrient deficiencies. Foliar application of the correct nutrients in relatively low concentrations at critical stages in crop development contributes significantly to higher yields and improved quality. Haifa offers a selection of premium fertilizers for foliar application. Haifa offers a selection of fertilizers for foliar application:
Controlled Release Nutrition
Multicote™, Haifa's range of Controlled Release Fertilizers includes products for agriculture, horticulture, ornamentals and turf. Multicote™ products provide plants with balanced nutrition according to their growth needs throughout the growth cycle. Multicote™ products enhance plant growth, improve nutrients use efficiency, save on labor and minimize environmental impact.
Single, pre-plant application controlled-release fertilizer can take care of the crop’s nutritional requirements throughout the growth season. Controlled release fertilizers are designed to feed plants continuously, with maximal efficiency of nutrients uptake. Controlled release fertilizers save labor and application costs. Their application is independent of the irrigation system, and does not require sophisticated equipment.
Taking advantage of MulticoTech™ polymer coating technology, Haifa produces Multicote™ line of controlled release fertilizers.