Plant Nutrition Insights

MyCoteN Mix

‘MyCoteN Mix is voor mij essentieel’ Sneller en ‘gejaagd’ planten kweken, is…

Avocado growers share their success secret

Strong and vital seedlings, shiny and saturaterd-colored leaves, developed…

Evaluation of Controlled Release Fertilizers for Young Citrus Trees

Abstract: Controlled-release sources of N and K were compared with soluble…

Role of Fertigation in horticultural Crops: Citrus

Abstract: Advances in micro-irrigation techniques, e.g., drip and under-tree…

Controlled release nutrition for oil palm

Multicote™ Agri controlled release fertilizers - The ideal nutrition for oil…

Alone in the Woods

A presentation about Haifa Group's CRF solutions with a special focus on the…

DownUnder Newsletter

DownUnder is a special bulletin written by Haifa Australia team members.Here…

Forest fertilization: Trends in knowledge and practice compared to agriculture

  Abstract: Plantation forestry continues to intensify and grow in area…

Selecting and Monitoring Fertility Regimes in Organic Greenhouse Basil

Abstract: Demand for organic fresh produce, including culinary herbs, is…

Year round production of greenhouse grown french tarragon

Abstract: Potted tarragon plants were grown in a greenhouse under short days (…