Plant Nutrition Insights

Role of fertigation in horticultural crops: citrus | Ashok K. Alva

Advances in micro-irrigation techniques, drip and under-tree sprinklers, have…

Managing micronutrients in the greenhouse | Douglas A. Bailey and Paul V. Nelson

Proper plant nutrition is essential for successful greenhouse production of…

Potassium Nutrition of cotton | K. Raja Reddy, Harry F. Hodges and Jac Varco

Knowledge of potassium (K) requirements for cotton growth and development is…

PNA literature library

The potassium nitrate association (PNA) offers a wide variety of articles and…

How potassium nutrition can suppress soybean aphids | Tom Bruulsema, Christina DiFonzo and Claudio Gratton

The soybean aphid has become the most important insect pest of soybeans in the…

Fertigation in micro-irrigated horticultural crops: vegetables | Salvadore J. Locascio

Fertigation is the application of soluble nutrients via the irrigation water;…

Effects of fertigation regime on blossom end rot of vegetable fruits | Asher Bar-Tal and Benny Aloni

The relationships between blossom end rot (BER) of vegetable fruits and…

Best management practices for turf and lawn fertilization | Dr. Mike Stewart

The first step in the establishment of an attractive and functional lawn or any…

Higher yields and reduction of incidence of stem brittle in white carnation | Yermiyahu, U., and U. Kafkafi

Calyx splitting and high percentage of stem brittle was observed in the…

Irrigation systems and nutrient sources for fertigation | A. Fares and F. Abbas

Advances in micro-irrigation techniques have facilitated greater adoption of…

Plant tissue analysis and interpretation for vegetable | G. Hochmuth, D. Maynard, C. Vavrina, E. Hanlon and E. Simonne

Plant tissue testing is another tool for use in achieving a high degree of…