Plant Nutrition Insights

Irrigation management with saline water | Dana O. Porter and Thomas Marek

One of the most common water quality concerns for irrigated agriculture is…

Fertigation-chemigation in protected agriculture | I. Papadopoulos

Abstract: Fertigation-Chemigation are regular and widely accepted practices for…

Irrigation systems and nutrient sources for fertigation | A. Fares and F. Abbas

Advances in micro-irrigation techniques have facilitated greater adoption of…

Soil test - Interpretation guide | E.S. Marx, J. Hart and R.G. Stevens

Regular soil testing is an important element in nutrient management. You can…

Evaluation of Controlled- release Fertilizers for Young Citrus Trees | Mongi Zekri and Robert C.J. Koo

Controlled-release sources of N and K were compared with soluble sources on…

Managing potassium for crop production

A corn crop takes up nearly as much potassium (K) as it does nitrogen (N), yet…

North Dakota Fertilizer Recommendation Tables and Equations | D.W. Franzen

soil test recommendation tables based on field research data obtained in North…

Potassium Fertilization of Cotton | A. Ozzie Abaye; Extension Agronomist, Alternative Crops, Virginia Tech

Potassium (K) is an essential nutrient for normal plant growth and development…

Potassium Requirements of Pulse Crops | Ch. Srinivasarao, Masood Ali, A.N. Ganeshamurthy, and K.K.

In India, pulses are grown mostly on marginal and sub-marginal lands without…

New fertiliser, fertigation system a life changer for Innisfail banana grower | April 2013

The one shot fertilizer mix, which is based on the high quality Haifa…

Summary of N, P, and K Research with Eggplant in Florida | George Hochmuth and Ed Hanlon

Current eggplant fertilization recommendations are based on published field…